Tag Archives: online


In Defense of Twitter

I was adamantly against Twitter when most of my peers originally started sending out tweets. I believed that twitter had to be the most self centered, egotistical creation in the world. I mean, sending out short blurbs about your life every few minutes, in the vain hope that someone cares enough to read it?
(On an unrelated, I thought that a blog was a perfectly reasonable thing to have, and not at all vain.)

But then I signed on, lured by the idea of following a favorite author and other beloved people on the Internet. This next statement is only a slight exaggeration: Good Things Come From Twitter.

It’s been less than a year since I’ve downloaded the little blue bird on my phone and already I’ve ha numerous opportunities presented to me just by following people, retweeting, and tweeting things that interest me. It may not seem like a huge victory to some when an author retweets an article that you make an appearance in, but for me, it was. Neil Gaiman is one of the reasons why I want to write, and that little, out of the way contact made me feel happy.

Twitter connects people in vague, fabulous ways; the woman who made me fall in love with comic books, Gail Simone, follows me. A voice actor from the childhood cartoons I used to watch retweeted me once. A feminist study got in contact with me which resulted in me being interviewed for said study. In real life, I do so many things in an attempt to change the world. Online, one little click of a button is all it takes to make me feel like I’m taking steps towards that lofty goal. It’s silly, but isn’t the first step towards doing something amazing believing that you can accomplish something amazing? Twitter makes me feel less alone, a daily reminder that there are millions of other people trying to make a difference in their own lives.